The landmark in Bologna are the “due torri” – two Towers – the tall one and the leaning one. Living very close to them saved me from getting lost all the time in my first weeks – even if I couldn´t see them, I could ask people and everybody would know where to send me. In medeval times Bologna had 150 of these towers, owned by wealthy families, who used it first like a save storage room (was easy to protect and didn´t burn down that fast) and later also for statussymbol – when the family lost it´s power, the tower was taken down.
mb the tower
It´s a “must” to climb up the tall one, 97 m and 500 steps, even Dante did it! You will be rewarded with a beautiful view of the historic center of Bologna and the surrounding hills, but you should have a good head for heights – lots of open space around you! Don’t wonder about all the people standing around at the feet of the tower – it’s a popular meeting point – incontriamo sotto le due torri (meet you under the tower)!
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